Great(er) Grand Rapids Garbage Tour 2011

In honor of Earth Day, GRCC offers the tour of a lifetime:  the Great(er) Grand Rapids Garbage Tour 2011, Tuesday, April 19, 2011 from 1:00-5:00 p.m.

Find out where your garbage goes! If you are looking for ways to reduce waste for your business or home, this expedition will take you where most are forbidden to go!  The Great(er) Grand Rapids Garbage Tour takes you on a four hour journey through the main facilities in Kent County for dealing with post-consumer waste, i.e. garbage.

Your expedition starts with an up-close and personal tour of the local landfill. Our next stop is the new recycling center, Material Recovery Facility (MRF). Finally, see how the incinerator generates electricity at the Waste-To-Energy (WTE) plant.

The bus tour will start and end at the Tassell M-TEC, with free parking.  Cost: $35, $25 for GRCC students and seating is limited so register now!  More information: | (616) 234-3400

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