GRCC In the News, 4-23-13

SkillsUSA Championships comes to a close Sunday

April 21, 2013; WZZM

GRAND RAPIDS (WZZM)- More than a thousand high school and trade school students from all over the state were racing against the clock in more than 75 competitions.

… All of the competitions were held this weekend at DeVos Place, GRCC and other locations around Grand Rapids. Only one of the contests had to be moved due to flooding near the Amway Grand Plaza hotel. The students stayed focused despite the changes. They train all year for this opportunity to test their skills in a real world setting.

TRiO Student Support Services hosts ‘End of Year Party’

TRiO Student Support Services provided a “End of Year Party” for their students, to celebrate all their accomplishments achieved this academic year. Our Peer Mentors Breanna Cook and Travis Slooter planned the food, live entertainment, and giveaways for our students. Myriah Williams, a TRiO student, helped with getting the party favors ready as well.

Thank you, Breanna, Travis and Myriah, the party was a success.

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Library hosts ‘Muslim Journeys Bookshelf: Poetry Night’

MJB_PoetryNight_SmallGrand Rapids Community College Library is pleased to present, “Muslim Journeys Bookshelf: Poetry Night,” a night of poetry showcasing the diversity of Islam, Muslim lives, arts, and culture.  Please join local and nationally recognized poets as they read their and other works for a night of enchantment, inspiration, faith, and hope.

The event, located on the 2nd floor of the library, will begin at 7PM April 24, 2013. Admission is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information,  click here.  (You do not need to RSVP to attend.)  or contact Lisa Rabey at

Construction Update: Employee Health and Well Being

All bond construction projects now and in the coming years are planned to be LEED certified.  This includes the upcoming Cook Hall renovations. The Main Building doesn’t qualify due to its construction type but will operate with LEED practices in mind.

All construction projects are surveyed for hazardous materials before construction begins, and, in a vast majority of cases, the hazardous materials will be removed prior to project commencement, and in strict accordance with code.  A certified hygenist will guide and oversee the removal, and monitor air quality during activities to assure compliance.

All work will be performed within OSHA guidelines for worker and occupant safety.

Mathematics Seminar scheduled for April 23, 2013

The Grand Rapids Community College Mathematics Department will host its last Mathematics Seminar of the 2012 – 2013 academic year on Tuesday, April 23, 3:00 – 4:00 PM in 107 Cook.  This seminar features a panel of GRCC instructors, including Betsy McKinney, Andrea Hayes, Shanna Goff, Linda Spoelman, Dominic Mattone and Paul Miltgen.  Please see the title and abstract for more information.

Our April seminar should appeal to anyone who teaches or plans to teach, as the topics to be discussed apply to students of all ages and to areas beyond the realm of mathematics.  Faculty who teach developmental Mathematics and English, and students who plan to teach at any level, are encouraged to attend.  As is always the case with our seminars, everyone is welcome.

Pop and cookies will be served at 2:45 PM.

Teaching Developmental Mathematics: It’s Not Just About Math!

 Across the state and the country, the need for developmental mathematics courses is growing as more students are entering college underprepared.   These students bring a unique set of challenges, skills, and experiences to the classroom.  After a brief overview of current trends in developmental education, a diverse panel of experienced developmental mathematics teachers will discuss the various challenges they encounter when teaching the developmental student.  Topics will also include best practices in the developmental classroom, technology in the developmental classroom, and the “other” skills developmental educators teach their students.  Time will also be given for the audience to ask questions of the panel.